Thursday, December 03, 2015


1) Where were you born?
Berckeley (California)

2) Where have you travelled? What are your favourite places?
I have travelled to all around USA, nothern Ireland, Wales, Ingland, France, Portugal, Spain, Germany, Canada and Mexico.
Capeverdin in Africa and País Vasco in Spain.

3)Wich languages do you know?
I speak English, Spanish and Portuguese.

4) Can you play any instrument?
I played the violin but I stoped it.

5) Do you have any brothers or sisters?
I do, I have a little brother and sister and an older sister.

6) What is your favourite meal?
Creamy clam chowder soup in a bread ball.

7) In how many places have you lived?
I have lived in California, Capeverde and Spain. 

8)What do you think about your experience of teaching English in Spain? Have you ever done it before?
I think it has been a wonderful experience, I love working with such as incredibly smart kids they really enjoy and have fun but they also try very hard in studying and that helps you appreciate what you do more 
In the united states i used to work with bilingual students so I worked with children that speak spanish before but they speak english quite well. So this is a different experience.

Tuesday, December 01, 2015


Adjetives; opinions

disappointing: decepcionante
dramatic: dramático
dull: aburrido
enjoyable: agradable
entertaining: entretenido
hilarious: divertido
informative: informativo
original; original
predictable: predicible
realistic: realista
spectacular: esperctacular
terrifying: terrorifico

Books and Films

award: premio
beginning: principio
bestseller: libro de mayor venta
critic: critico
ending: final
film director: director de cine
hit: éxito
main character: personaje principal
novelist: novelista
plot: argumento
review: critica
setting: escenario

Extra vocabulary

audience: advertencia
box office: taquilla
income: ingreso
publicity: publicar
special effects: efectos especiales
talented: talentoso

Express it!

juat in time: justo a tiempo

Learn it

character: personaje

Extra Vocabulary

ghost: fantasma
gift: regalo
joke: cuento
live: vivo-a
performer: artista
tale: cuento

Word builder

a bit: un poco
fairly: bastante
incredibly: increible
pretty: bonito
quite: bastante
very: muy


Adjetives: behaviour

acceptable: aceptable
badly-behaved: maleducado
common: común
compulsory: obligatorio
direct: directo
dishonest: mentiroso
easy-going: suelto/sociable
fair: justo
familiar: conocido
honest: honesto
indirect: evasivo
rare: raro
strict: estricto
unacceptable: inaceptable
unfair: injusto
unfamiliar: desconocido
voluntary: volunario
well-behaved: agradable/educado

Express it! dead after...: ...muerto después de..

Extra vocabulary

fell at home: sentirse en casa
fell homesick: sentir nostalgia
miss: perder
settle into: instalarse en..

Adjectives: personal qualities

active: activo
adventurous: aventurero
ambitious: ambicioso
artistic: artístico
confident: seguro/confiado
creative: creativo
curious: curioso
hard-working: trabajador
logical: lógico/razonable
mathematical: matemático
organized: organizado
sociable: sociable

Word builder

Achievement: logro
Arrival: llegada
Protection: protección
Survival: supervivencia