Monday, December 12, 2016


Now I can speak and understand better using the vocabulary that we have seen i this units. I like the most video that we did recently " Can't stop the feeling"
My strenghes on english I think are grammar and writting because I like it more also my weaknesses are vocabulary and also speaking, I don't like it and it's very difficult for me.
I did well grammar and writting, but I'm confusing on some pronuciation and I don't speak in class because of it. So I need help with it.
Sometimes I see some english films with subtitules and also I listen songs in english.
I need to improve my speaking and vocabulary for the next therm.
I learn a lot about Arizona and United States with Clarisa, and I love it!

Resultado de imagen de autoevaluacion


Sucessful: to get succed

Convienue: making somebody believe in something

Promote: tell people about a service or product to make it popular

Slogan: a catchprhase or small group of words that are combined in a special way to identify a product or company

Recommend: to say something is good or useful

Appeal: to be attractive or interesting to people

Advertise: to tell people about a service or product so that they buy it

Inform: to tell people facts about something

Broadcast: to send out programmes though the radio, the television, etc...

Claim: to say something is true although you might not be able to prove it

Resultado de imagen de advertising



Outgoing: the opposite of shie

Confident: you can trust in them

Truthful: direct

Eager: interesting in you

Untrusworthy: you can't be confident

Put on weight: the opposite of lose weight

Bitter: sad person

Sympathetic: that take the best of seh or he to the others

Resultado de imagen de types of people



Hi Cristina and Clarisa!
Rn I'm doing the english proyect and I have np, I trying to finish it asap. Tomorrow when I have finished it oc I'm goingo to send to you.
Bfn, xoxo.

Resultado de imagen de text message