Now I can speak and understand better using the vocabulary that we have seen i this units. I like the most video that we did recently " Can't stop the feeling"
My strenghes on english I think are grammar and writting because I like it more also my weaknesses are vocabulary and also speaking, I don't like it and it's very difficult for me.
I did well grammar and writting, but I'm confusing on some pronuciation and I don't speak in class because of it. So I need help with it.
Sometimes I see some english films with subtitules and also I listen songs in english.
I need to improve my speaking and vocabulary for the next therm.
I learn a lot about Arizona and United States with Clarisa, and I love it!
Monday, December 12, 2016
Sucessful: to get succed
Convienue: making somebody believe in something
Promote: tell people about a service or product to make it popular
Slogan: a catchprhase or small group of words that are combined in a special way to identify a product or company
Recommend: to say something is good or useful
Appeal: to be attractive or interesting to people
Advertise: to tell people about a service or product so that they buy it
Inform: to tell people facts about something
Broadcast: to send out programmes though the radio, the television, etc...
Claim: to say something is true although you might not be able to prove it
Outgoing: the opposite of shie
Confident: you can trust in them
Truthful: direct
Eager: interesting in you
Untrusworthy: you can't be confident
Put on weight: the opposite of lose weight
Bitter: sad person
Sympathetic: that take the best of seh or he to the others
Hi Cristina and Clarisa!
Rn I'm doing the english proyect and I have np, I trying to finish it asap. Tomorrow when I have finished it oc I'm goingo to send to you.
Bfn, xoxo.
Monday, November 28, 2016
Principles of training
1. If you do some sport do an other relationship sport can be a transference (Do swimmingpool swiming and later do sea swimming)
2. a) Principle of effective charge: for example if I have 60 bpm in relax and my friend has 100bpm in the same situation, for a good training I must do more than my friend for improve, fot example, she must do her 50% and I my 70% of our maximun
b) Principle of progression and load: an example can be a person who wont to improve his strenght. For carry out this objetivehe must start with few weight and in a period of time increasse the weight and do repetitions of it.
c) Principle of variety: for example if you have a training to improve your flexibility charge periodically the exercises. One day you can do especific on legs an other especific on back.
d) Principle of optimal relationship between load and recovery: for example if I have an intensive training three days a week, I must do a recovery for example two days a week for have an increassed perfomance.
e) Principle of repetition and continuity: an example can be if I`m training for increassed my speed, I must run during a lonf period of time and also do a lot of repetitions of it for increasse.
f) Reserve action principle: if I`m training a lot but I have a vacations` period whitout doing any sport , I will lost a part of it
g) Principle of periodization: if I have a goal every day I`m doing a microcycle, but if I have a goal every month, I`m doing a mesocycle.
h) Principle of individualty: all people are different so I can`t do the same training that for example an old person because we haven´t the same physical condition.
i) Principle of specialization: if I´m going to do a gymnastic comprtition, I will rain different that a person who will do a speed competition.
j) Principle of transference: for example if I´m doing skating, a transference can be do ice skating.
1. If you do some sport do an other relationship sport can be a transference (Do swimmingpool swiming and later do sea swimming)
2. a) Principle of effective charge: for example if I have 60 bpm in relax and my friend has 100bpm in the same situation, for a good training I must do more than my friend for improve, fot example, she must do her 50% and I my 70% of our maximun
b) Principle of progression and load: an example can be a person who wont to improve his strenght. For carry out this objetivehe must start with few weight and in a period of time increasse the weight and do repetitions of it.
c) Principle of variety: for example if you have a training to improve your flexibility charge periodically the exercises. One day you can do especific on legs an other especific on back.
d) Principle of optimal relationship between load and recovery: for example if I have an intensive training three days a week, I must do a recovery for example two days a week for have an increassed perfomance.
e) Principle of repetition and continuity: an example can be if I`m training for increassed my speed, I must run during a lonf period of time and also do a lot of repetitions of it for increasse.
f) Reserve action principle: if I`m training a lot but I have a vacations` period whitout doing any sport , I will lost a part of it
g) Principle of periodization: if I have a goal every day I`m doing a microcycle, but if I have a goal every month, I`m doing a mesocycle.
h) Principle of individualty: all people are different so I can`t do the same training that for example an old person because we haven´t the same physical condition.
i) Principle of specialization: if I´m going to do a gymnastic comprtition, I will rain different that a person who will do a speed competition.
j) Principle of transference: for example if I´m doing skating, a transference can be do ice skating.
Monday, October 24, 2016
Quill: something old that people used to write (comes from birds)
May: it can be
Unlike: different that...
Devices: technologies
Provide: give
Look fordward: desire to.../ can`t wait for...
Flipped teachers: modern or technological teachers
Entirely: totaly
Bleach: open widows to leave smelling
It take ages: it takes a long time
Stream: watch
Yawn: open your mouth because you are tired
Owe: have to devolved something
May: it can be
Unlike: different that...
Devices: technologies
Provide: give
Look fordward: desire to.../ can`t wait for...
Flipped teachers: modern or technological teachers
Entirely: totaly
Bleach: open widows to leave smelling
It take ages: it takes a long time
Stream: watch
Yawn: open your mouth because you are tired
Owe: have to devolved something
Saturday, September 24, 2016
Thursday, March 10, 2016
afford: permitirse
bargain: chollo
be worth: merecer la pena
borrow: recibir prestado algo
brand: marca
cost: costar
discount: descuento
lend: prestar
sale: rebaja
shop online: comprar online
waste: malgastar
archery: tiro con arco
athletics: atletismo
catch up: atrapar/alcanzar
join in: unirse a...
kayaking: hacer kayak
miss out: perderse algo...
pick up: recoger
rock cimbing: escalada de montaña
take up: comenzar
trail biking: bicicleta de montaña/ campo a través
try out: probar
wakeboarding: wakeboard
customer: cliente
department store:grandes almacenes
fraction: fracción
half-price: a mitad de precio
shop owner: propietario
sports gear: equipo de deportes
I´ve got on my eye on...: Tengo el ojo puesto en.. .
We´re after...: Estamos detrás de...
delicious: delicioso
mild: templado
nutritious: nutritivo
sour: salado
spicy: picante
sweet: dulce
fill up: llenar
queue up: hacer cola
set up: preparar
turn up: aparecer
wash up: limpiar
bargain: chollo
be worth: merecer la pena
borrow: recibir prestado algo
brand: marca
cost: costar
discount: descuento
lend: prestar
sale: rebaja
shop online: comprar online
waste: malgastar
archery: tiro con arco
athletics: atletismo
catch up: atrapar/alcanzar
join in: unirse a...
kayaking: hacer kayak
miss out: perderse algo...
pick up: recoger
rock cimbing: escalada de montaña
take up: comenzar
trail biking: bicicleta de montaña/ campo a través
try out: probar
wakeboarding: wakeboard
customer: cliente
department store:grandes almacenes
fraction: fracción
half-price: a mitad de precio
shop owner: propietario
sports gear: equipo de deportes
I´ve got on my eye on...: Tengo el ojo puesto en.. .
We´re after...: Estamos detrás de...
delicious: delicioso
mild: templado
nutritious: nutritivo
sour: salado
spicy: picante
sweet: dulce
fill up: llenar
queue up: hacer cola
set up: preparar
turn up: aparecer
wash up: limpiar
Amusing: divertido/a
Annoying: molesto/a
Confusing: confuso/a
Embarrasing: embarazoso/a
Fascinating: fascinante
Frightening: espantoso/a
Inspiring: inspirador/a
Irritating: irritante
Motivating: motivador/a
Relaxing: relajante
Upsetting: triste
Worrying: preocupado,a
Burst out laughing: echarse a reír
Gap: hueco, espacio
Gesture: gesto, expresión
Misunderstanding: malentendido,a
Nod your head: asentir con la cabeza
Shake your head: negar con la cabeza
Browse: echar un vistazo
Charge: cargar
Plug in: conectar, enchufar
Press: apretar, pulsar
Scroll: deslizar (hacia arriba o abajo)
Stream: transmitir
Swipe: deslizar
Switch off: apagar
Switch on: encender
Tap: tocar suavemente y en un breve periodo de tiempo
Text: enviar mensajes de texto
Unplug: desenchufar, desconectar
Update: actualizar
Express: expresar
Hit: golpear
Invite: invitar
Spread news: difundir noticias
Squeeze: apretar
Warn: avisar
Exciting: emocionante
Excited: entusiasmado/a
Frightened: asustado/a
Frightening: que da miedo
Irritated: enfadado/a
Irritating: irritante
Amusing: divertido/a
Annoying: molesto/a
Confusing: confuso/a
Embarrasing: embarazoso/a
Fascinating: fascinante
Frightening: espantoso/a
Inspiring: inspirador/a
Irritating: irritante
Motivating: motivador/a
Relaxing: relajante
Upsetting: triste
Worrying: preocupado,a
Burst out laughing: echarse a reír
Gap: hueco, espacio
Gesture: gesto, expresión
Misunderstanding: malentendido,a
Nod your head: asentir con la cabeza
Shake your head: negar con la cabeza
Browse: echar un vistazo
Charge: cargar
Plug in: conectar, enchufar
Press: apretar, pulsar
Scroll: deslizar (hacia arriba o abajo)
Stream: transmitir
Swipe: deslizar
Switch off: apagar
Switch on: encender
Tap: tocar suavemente y en un breve periodo de tiempo
Text: enviar mensajes de texto
Unplug: desenchufar, desconectar
Update: actualizar
Express: expresar
Hit: golpear
Invite: invitar
Spread news: difundir noticias
Squeeze: apretar
Warn: avisar
Exciting: emocionante
Excited: entusiasmado/a
Frightened: asustado/a
Frightening: que da miedo
Irritated: enfadado/a
Irritating: irritante
fighters -Armed robber: robo a mano armada
Burglar : ladron/a (roba en las casas)
Detective : detective
Fraudster : defraudador/a
Judge : juez/a
Lawyer : abogado/a
Mugger : atracador/a
Murderer : asesino/a
Police officer : agente de policía
Thief : ladrón/a
Traffic warden : policía de tráfico
Private investigator : investigador privado
Arrest : arrestar
Black market : mercado negro
Evidence : señal
Interview : entrevistar
Trap : atrapar
Case: caso
Suspicious : sospechoso
Arson : incendio provocado
Blackmail : chantaje
Burglary : asalto
Credit-card fraud : tarjeta de crédito engañosa
Forgery : falsificación
Drug-dealing : tráfico de drogas
Vandalidm : vandalismo
Identity theft : usurpación de identidad
Kidnapping : secuestro
Mugging : atraco
Speeding : que se mueve velozmente
Smuggling : contrabando
Pickpocketing : caracteristico
Shoplifting : hurto
Business owner : dueño/a de un negocio
Ecologist : ecologista
Household : familiar
Lawnmaker : legislador
Local council : ayuntamiento
Resident : residente
Twice : doble
Come clean about... : sincerarse sobre...
Make someone think : hacer que alguien piense
Illegal : ilegal
Illogical : ilógico
Impossible : imposible
Irrespondible : irresponsable
fighters -Armed robber: robo a mano armada
Burglar : ladron/a (roba en las casas)
Detective : detective
Fraudster : defraudador/a
Judge : juez/a
Lawyer : abogado/a
Mugger : atracador/a
Murderer : asesino/a
Police officer : agente de policía
Thief : ladrón/a
Traffic warden : policía de tráfico
Private investigator : investigador privado
Arrest : arrestar
Black market : mercado negro
Evidence : señal
Interview : entrevistar
Trap : atrapar
Case: caso
Suspicious : sospechoso
Arson : incendio provocado
Blackmail : chantaje
Burglary : asalto
Credit-card fraud : tarjeta de crédito engañosa
Forgery : falsificación
Drug-dealing : tráfico de drogas
Vandalidm : vandalismo
Identity theft : usurpación de identidad
Kidnapping : secuestro
Mugging : atraco
Speeding : que se mueve velozmente
Smuggling : contrabando
Pickpocketing : caracteristico
Shoplifting : hurto
Business owner : dueño/a de un negocio
Ecologist : ecologista
Household : familiar
Lawnmaker : legislador
Local council : ayuntamiento
Resident : residente
Twice : doble
Come clean about... : sincerarse sobre...
Make someone think : hacer que alguien piense
Illegal : ilegal
Illogical : ilógico
Impossible : imposible
Irrespondible : irresponsable
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